I gotta admit, I hate doing my own website work. I’m also a bit of a perfectionist and have trouble giving over the reigns of my website to someone else, yeah, the pain is real. It’s kinda like trying to put a cat in a bathtub or a two-year-old in a snowsuit. To those that love it great! (Designing websites that is, not putting cats in bathtubs) What it meant for me is that for longer than I care to admit it, I had website shame instead of a functional and pleasing place for people to discover who I am and how we can work together.
So what do Dull Pencils and Taxes have to do with it? Well, those three things, dull pencils, taxes and websites, as it turns out are at the top of my “Hate List”. That’s right, I have a remarkably strong aversion to doing my own taxes, doing my own website management and I-hate-dull-pencils. I really do, it’s not healthy. Now solving the problem of dull pencils was easy, I bought a cool electric pencil sharpener and now I have wonderful long sharp pencils. I can just feel the planets in alignment, the angels singing and the hope of peace on earth. I mean who doesn’t love the smell of freshly ground pencil shavings? Heaven help the person who puts a dull or broken pencil back in my pencil cup! Taxes was another story and I learned, painfully, years ago that I just have to get help with that. No shame in it, in fact, getting help with taxes and bookkeeping taught me that it’s often more important to know what you don’t do well than to know what you’re gifted at. Which leaves the whole website shame issue, and I had website shame. Oh I had it……bad.
I would have had a proper website sooner, but I did what any normal “frugal” person would do and, not once, but twice I tried to have someone help me with it and not spend money on it, and twice I was disappointed with the result. I take full responsibility here, I was trying to save money and didn’t do my due diligence by making sure the person I was working with we was a great fit. Also, I’m a bit of a control freak and I needed that someone special who had the confidence to tell me to “back away from the website Ron, just back away I’ve got this”. For a guy like me, the prayer sounds like this, “Jesus, take the wheel…..no wait, give it back”.
“…a remarkable workflow that helped me communicate my needs”
So kicking and screaming I finally reached out to one of my trusted communities and asked for help. And I was referred to an amazing and confident Web designer. Meet Cami of Camille Farey Design. From our first consult to launch, she was attentive, professional and has a remarkable workflow that helped me communicate my needs. She was then able to articulate my mental spaghetti into an amazingly clear new online home. My New website not only solved my immediate need to get a clean, professional and informative site up, but that has laid the foundation for future growth.
For me it’s not just a website, it solved a problem and taught me to trust the process of a capable professional. Hmmmmm, and isn’t that exactly what I want my own clients to do?
Look, I even got me my own email sign up, PDF thingy!!! (go ahead, it’s clickable….)

I know I’ve said it before but your new website is beautiful. Congrats on ‘letting go’ and trusting someone to help you convey the YOU you needed it to convey. Love the write-up to go with it! May all your pencils be sharp (Bsharp?) 🙂
I feel the weight of the world has lifted, I struggled to get out of my own way for so long. Thanks for the encouragement.
I really like it, Ron. It’s crisp, easy to navigate and to the point. Lot of SEO points also. Should be easy to find. I never took you as a control freak but then given some of your students…..lord knows, you really gave me one of the best days ever today with your critique. Love the site.
Thank you John. I’m thrilled you took a lot away from our time together
Absolutely fabulous!!!
Hey buddy, glad you like it!
wonderful website Ron!! Mazel tov!
Thank you my friend!
Wow! Clean, crisp and lovely on the eyes. Nice going. And I love your blog writing too. Makes me laugh and heavens knows we could all use a bit of that!!
Thank you Connie!! I try to write like I talk and humour is a great communicator. The world can always use a good chuckle.
Make a more new posts please 🙂